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How to treat beriberi: traditional medicine

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Avitaminosis is a disease caused by a lack of vitamins in our body, which must come from food. Persons such as children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with increased physical labor need an increased intake of various vitamins.

Even if you consume the necessary vitamins, you may develop beriberi, as they may not be absorbed by the body or as a result of their increased excretion. So, if you are concerned about beriberi, you need to think about your diet, it is it that promotes the absorption of all vitamins in the body, because some vitamins are absorbed exclusively with normal consumption of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Symptoms of beriberi can be different. You can check whether you have it just by following your body.

If you feel lethargic, irritable, lack of sleep (although you slept enough time), you can’t concentrate on your tasks, then you need to think carefully about including natural foods that are rich in the vitamins you need in your diet.

Vitamin A

It performs many different functions in our body. If your vision deteriorates (you often rub your eyes, darkening in your eyes), your immune system decreases (diseases become more frequent), your skin condition worsens (usually the skin of your hands becomes dry, flaky), and growth slows down due to a lack of it (more for children), know that you need this vitamin.

Vitamin B

Various symptoms of B vitamins:

  1. if you are not as energetic as always, it is not so easy to cope with physical activity - vitamins B1, B3, B5, B7 are needed;
  2. problems with vision, skin, mucous membranes - vitamin B2;
  3. to normalize cholesterol, reduce body weight - vitamin B4;
  4. became more nervous, irritable - vitamins B6, B12;
  5. damaged hair, stomach problems - vitamin B8;
  6. pale face, migraine, sleep problems, memory problems - vitamin B9.

Vitamin C

You need it if you notice such symptoms as lethargy, hair loss, bruises began to appear with a light blow (touch), wounds began to heal badly, burrs often began to appear, dry skin, joint pain appeared, sadness, fatigue, which was not there before.

Vitamin D

It is needed for fractures, weight loss, arthritis, tooth decay, rickets.

Vitamin E

You need it for: liver problems, high physical activity, overwork, mental disorders.

The fight against beriberi

Having noticed such symptoms, the main thing is to take vitamins correctly, avoid overdose, as they accumulate in the body, and their excess can cause serious problems.

In the fight against beriberi, traditional medicine will help, namely such medicinal plants: rose hips, mountain ash, black currant, dandelion, lingonberries, sowing lettuce, carrots, wild garlic, onions, cranberries, field strawberries, blueberries.

Vitamins in rose hips - how to brew rose hips? Rose hips belong to the rose family, there are about 400 species.

It is rich in such vitamins: B2, K, C, P, E, carotene, organic acids; trace elements: iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, copper, molybdenum, phosphorus, chromium, cobalt.

We often see it as a wild plant, planted in gardens and parks because of its decorative properties, but no less often in summer cottages, vegetable gardens, since people know its benefits.

Rose hips are especially suitable for us in winter, as this is the time when a person feels a particular lack of vitamins, because of this we become lethargic, get sick more often, and start to get tired faster. Ascorbic acid, which is contained in rose hips, increases the productivity of our labor, thanks to it we are more resistant to various infections, and it also stimulates the metabolism.

Berries should be harvested in August and September, that is, before the cold weather, because when the frozen fruits thaw, they lose vitamin C. Plucked berries should immediately be laid out in a thin ball and dried using a dryer or oven.

To prepare a rosehip broth, you can grind it (there will be a rich broth) or brew it whole in a thermos, take 1 liter of boiled hot water and about 40 berries, then insist it. You need to take half a glass 2 times a day for 1 month.

Lingonberry is an evergreen shrub that reaches 30 cm and lives for about 300 years. It can be found in coniferous pine and deciduous forests. Fruit ripening occurs in August and September, they taste sweet and sour with a slight bitterness.

Lingonberries are rich in vitamins: A, B, C, E, carbohydrates, carotene; acids: citric and salicylic, malic; trace elements - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron.

The benefits are not only in the berries, but also in the leaves. The leaves are stocked up until the cold weather in autumn, and after - in the spring, when the lingonberries do not bloom yet. Then they are dried in a dark room. Berries are saved by falling asleep with sugar or filling them with water, in this form they are stored for a long time.

Preparing a vitamin cocktail (drink) from berries is very simple. To do this, rinse them thoroughly and pour cold boiled water, then insist in the refrigerator for at least three days. For taste, you can throw sugar or honey into the resulting drink.

Useful tea will help with a cold: a tablespoon of a mixture of lingonberries with strawberries (equal parts) is poured with one glass of water, put on gas and brought to a boil. You can add sugar or honey, then insist and take one glass three times a day.

Carrots are useful for their high content of carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. In addition to carotene, this vegetable also contains vitamins C, D, B, E, minerals and various trace elements.

Prevention of beriberi

It is based on the appointment of a suitable and healthy diet, the use of the right amount of fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables.

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